Tidewater Oil Co / Dead River
Belfast, Maine
Belfast, ME 04915
Waldo County
Shop smart: compare this vendor to the state average:

Cities Served: Belfast, Searsport, Morrill, Lincolnville, Castine, Stockton Springs, Lincolnville Center, Brooks, Searsmont, Islesboro, Sandy Point, Harborside, Frankfort, Thorndike, Monroe, Brooksville, Camden, Union, Hope, Penobscot, Freedom, Liberty, Winterport, Orland, Little Deer Isle, Rockport, West Rockport, Sargentville, Bucksport, East Orland, Sedgwick, Unity, North Haven, Deer Isle, Dixmont, Hampden, Washington, Blue Hill, Glen Cove, Palermo, Rockland, Sunset, Troy, Albion, Orrington, Brooklin, Thomaston, Warren, Owls Head, East Blue Hill, Etna, South China, Surry, China Village, Plymouth, Stonington, Burnham, Vinalhaven, Carmel, South Thomaston, Waterville, Brewer, Detroit, Bangor, Waldoboro, Coopers Mills, Windsor, East Vassalboro, Jefferson, Holden